Machine maintenance prevents downtime!

Maintenance ensures continuity. Most of the machines that we install require regular maintenance. Our field engineers will ensure that your equipment continues to work properlyrepair any defects and maintain a beautiful appearance 


Leave the expensive "specialist" at home

It is not always necessary to employ specialists for the maintenance of advanced equipment. Many devices nowadays have smart solutions built in, such as indicators that show when certain parts need to be replaced. Our field engineers know how to deal with this in the best way. 

Various technical maintenance

We can play an excellent role in the maintenance of coffee machines and ATMs, but also in the event of a malfunction or exchange of a safe. Furthermore, there are several examples of maintenance as an added activity. During the installation of an ATM, we can also exchange the fire extinguisher, for example.

Maintenance during refurb

During the refurb process, maintenance can often be included by exchanging certain critical components as standard.

Curious if your technical maintenance could be better arranged by Patrans? Contact us and or challenge us. See also our working method and specialist approach.

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